Welcome! Need a fresh pair of eyes for your web projects from a Web Developer? Look no further!

Let's dive into the web world with enthusiasm and a fresh perspective. Together, we will turn challenges into opportunities for innovation. Let's iterate through the idea(s) and transform them into the most efficient possible solutions that are both visually appealing and technically sound web experiences with modern, clean, and accessible designs. Let's start this journey together!


About Me

I am a web developer specializing in creating fast, user-friendly, and optimized websites using a mobile-first design approach.

I love JavaScript, React, Python, and kind of tolerate React with TypeScript, but I will use the best tools suited for the job at hand. Currently, I am exploring NextJS for Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Single-Page Applications (SPA).

I immerse myself in books, movies, and podcasts. My favorite books are The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga, Zero to One by Peter Thiel, and Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. I love watching movies like Inception, A Writer’s Odyssey, and Monster. I also enjoy listening to podcasts like Crucible Moments, Acquired, and Masters of Scale. I am always open to new recommendations. Check out my movie project to recommend me movies!

One more thing: I believe in developing solutions that are not only functional but also ethical and accessible to all users.

Image of ITS MAC

Tech Stack

HTML logo in ITS MAC skills section
CSS logo in ITS MAC skills section
JavaScript logo in ITS MAC skills section
React logo in ITS MAC skills section
NextJS logo in ITS MAC skills section
TypeScript logo in ITS MAC skills section
Saas logo in ITS MAC skills section
Bootstrap logo in ITS MAC skills section
Tailwind CSS logo in ITS MAC skills section
Tailwind CSS
Figma logo in ITS MAC skills section
Python logo in ITS MAC skills section
VS Code logo in ITS MAC skills section
VS Code
Git logo in ITS MAC skills section
Vite logo in ITS MAC skills section
Webpack logo in ITS MAC skills section


Featured projects

Mentorship & Growth

I believe in the power of continuous learning when guided in the right direction. I have been fortunate to learn from incredibly talented online mentors who have significantly shaped my journey as a web developer. Through ADPList, these mentors have provided invaluable guidance and feedback, helping me enhance my skills in code review and best practices, communication, time management, networking, confidence building, adaptability, storytelling, and goal setting.


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